Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Silence

And now The Silence enfolds me
I nestle
Into its quiet arms,
I rest my head on its bosom,
I hear the beating of its peaceful heart.
I am reborn in this silence.
I am renewed by this solitude.

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 1, 2013)

NaPoWriMo 2013 Day 4 (I did my own thing) 30 Poems in 30 Days!


  1. How wonderfully put... renewed each ?year with orchids - reborn! I love the picture shared with your words. Thanks for sharing NaPoWriMo with us all!

  2. hljourney, Thank you for your visit and your comment! This is my first year participating in NaPOWriMo and I am having fun! BTW, I like putting pictures with the poems. It makes it more fun!

  3. Hi Kathie

    Again a lovely poem, I really like the personification of silence. You carry it beautifully through the entire poem.


    1. Thanks Guy. I like the way this poem makes me feel.


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