Monday, December 24, 2012

The Christmas Monkey

One special Christmas
so long ago,
but fresh in my memory,
like new fallen snow.
One little brother
I loved so dear,
one Christmas toy
to bring Christmas cheer.
Cutting and sewing
and stuffing away--
One special monkey,
One special day.
Christopher opened
that happy surprise,
he squealed and a light
danced into his eyes!
Tears were then rolling
down his cheeks and mine,
I'd given something
that made his eyes shine.
One Christmas Monkey
so simple--and Yet!
It made for a Christmas
I'll never forget!

~Kathie Adams Brown (December 16, 1986)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Mountains

Seek the highest mountain
run upon the hills
Let the trees surround me,
I leap the rocks and rills.
To breathe fresh mountain air,
as an eagle to fly free, 
to glide in air, to glide in time,
to live and to be me.
While leaves will laugh and sing and warn,
wind whispers secrets low,
Listen to the sound of living,
being where I want to go.
Fulfilling dreams around each corner,
to rest in Nature with a sigh,
Never take me from the mountains,
here let me live, here let me die!

~Kathie Adams Brown (November 11, 1975)

Original Title: My Dream, My Wish