Thursday, June 4, 2015

It is You I know

We are old in our love
on a Saturday morn
We have lived a long time together
We move in a smooth dance
through these familiar rooms,
all the steps memorized
from years of practice
even as we change and grow
It is You I know.

Kathie Adams Brown (March 14, 2015)

Happy Anniversary, Gus!

Monday, June 1, 2015

A Spring Evening in Maine

I stood in the misty green at dusk
and heard the cuckoo’s call,

in the dark green woods
the pewee’s song
rang through the glittering trees,

overhead a flock of waxwings
went zinging across the sky,
and there in this tranquil, greening spring,

Here in this misty dark I stand,

~Kathie Adams Brown (June 4, 2014)