Friday, December 30, 2011

Old Tree (Part 3)

Old Tree knows
The ways of the woods
The life that goes on and
The life that ends.

Old tree knows what renewal is
As each spring it is reborn again and again.
Yet old tree knows that when its time is done
It’s time to let go, release and become
One with the earth from which it was born
Supplying new roots with fresh nutrients from its tree bones.

~Kathie Adams Brown (December 23, 2011)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Old Tree (Part 2)

Old Tree,
I want to reach up to that cerulean blue sky,
I want to sway in the wind when it passes by,
I want to reach down with roots to grasp the earth strong,
Old tree, like you, I just want to belong.

~Kathie Adams Brown

Friday, December 23, 2011

Old Tree (Part 1)

Old tree in the woods,
Quiet and tall
Standing there day after day
Through storms and sunshine,
Sunrises and sunsets
Leaf drop and new leaves
and all that you’ve seen,
if I come close and listen
will you whisper your secrets to me,
or, lend me your strength
so I can reach down,
take hold, and grow
strong roots like you?

~Kathie Adams Brown (12-23-11)