Thursday, January 20, 2011


Abundance is more than food
or drink,
It is a fullness of heart,
a thankfulness,
a contenment in the soul,
a serenity.
It is a warm and quiet place to eat your breakfast
On a cold winter’s day.

~Kathie Adams Brown (1-20-11)


  1. Lovely. Visual and words blend perfectly.

  2. Simple yet profound and beautiful.

  3. Mary, and Ruth, thank you! I often sit here to think and read or write and relax. This spot is in my hearth room, so I can have a warm fire if I want it also. I love to photograph the places that I love!

  4. Kathie just the perfect place to sit and write your lovley poetry!No doubt you've heard we've had a bit of a winter freeze here in the sunny part of the states.Getting warmer though! :)

  5. Naturegirl, I have heard of your winter freeze! It froze my irrigation pipes outside at my AZ home! Thankfully my son was able to fix it! And yes, I do like to sit there and write and read and drink my tea!


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