Sunday, April 27, 2008


(Plaster sculpture by Kathie 1998)

Memories are shadows that cling to your thoughts,
Memories are ghosts that know no time,
Haunting you day and night.
Memories are clouds that block out the sun,
The fog in the morning,
The mist on the lake.
Memories are the wind, rushing in,
Disturbing the cobwebs
And rushing out again.
Memories are a never ending record,
Repeating, repeating,
Teasing, laughing, convicting,
An endless echo of times gone by.

~Kathie (11-7-74)


  1. Ocean! Thank you! I'm glad you stopped by to check it out! I'm really glad you like it!

  2. Haunting! The repetition of "memories" contributes the the feeling of those repeated visits of memories that flit and perch like birds.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Writing in Faith: Poems

    Perhaps you would like to visit One Single Impression to find other poets you might enjoy and to participate in our weekly prompts. You'd be very welcome there.

  3. Sandy, thank you for that information. I will check it out. Glad you came by to visit my new blog. That is a really nice observation about my poem. I will be posting both old and new poems as the weeks go along.

  4. I really liked the idea of memory
    coming in like the wind. Memory is a great theme, I deal a lot with it myself. Your imagery is excellent.

  5. That is such a fantastic, descriptive poem about memories. I see it is standing the test of time too.

  6. I love this. Your words are rhythmic and honest with a beauty that shows!

  7. Edward, thank you for the encouragement. Memories cut both ways, good and bad. Lots to write about there!

    Vixen, what a nice thing to say. Thank you!

    Tumblewords, love your name! You are good with them too! Thank you!

  8. each line is a beautiful phase of memories...

  9. You give memories the feeling of what they really are - intangible! Bravo!

  10. onemorebeliever, thank you!

    texasblu, I suppose you are right. Thank you for your very tangible comment!

  11. Glad you decided to start this site. I really like it.

  12. Thanks Tex! Hopefully I can add more to it soon!


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