Sunday, April 24, 2016

My Soul Has Found Her Place Again

At the end of the day
On the banks of the stream
By the still water I stand
Warmed by the tea cup in my hand
And watch the calm water
Creased by the wake of a muskrat
Joyfully swimming through
The evening stillness.

I am in the best cathedral
The tall pines forming lush green walls,
And surrounded by the angel chorus
Of frogs,
And the whinny of the robins
As they settle in for the night.
This flat, gray water soothes my harried soul
And I feel the stillness settle in my spirit
And nestle around my beating heart
And I know,
My soul has found her place again.

~Kathie Adams Brown (April 24, 2016)


  1. Lovely poem. Kathleen Cameron shared this. I write poetry as well.

  2. Should the next to last line be:
    "And I know"

    1. Troy, thanks for catching that! After looking at the poem again, I may just delete that line altogether!

  3. This poem speaks to my memory of a great birding enthusiast, Marlys Richman, whose memorial we attend today here in Cottonwood, CA. I will read this poem and know that it enriches the memories of her with all who hear it. Thank you!
    Mary Mitchell

    1. Wow! This is a great compliment. Thank you so much! I am deeply moved to know this has touched you in such a way.

  4. This is a beautiful poem. I am happy for you!


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